November is the cruelest month...

Some new tidings to report on. Unfortunately fate has conspired against me for the past month meaning I haven't been able to get to play using my Dark Angles much but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. I've mainly been working some terrain projects. Creating a jungle forest, river system and a temple of desecration.

Here is some of the photos of the jungle. I wanted to make some jungle terrain which meant trees and some shrubbery. I really like the look that they have on the Tau Wahammer world board.

These are nice for a couple reasons: all the trees are about the same height and they are all shorter than the tallest building giving a sence of scale. I would have loved to recreate these but I couldn't find those leaves anywhere. They are big broad and leafy. but I found something close, and then I found stuff at michaels that was more palm tree like so I went with it. giving me this.

in the foreground is a DIY river system I made that spans a 4' table. In the back ground are palm trees  mixed with lizard terrarium habitat. The palm trees were really simple take one fern on a plastic stalk from michaels hobby store, take wire to make a trunk to desired shape, wrap trunk in brown paper (paper bag cut into strips) and voila one palm tree. i then glued that to the surface of some 1/4"foam and attached a washer to the base for support. the trees will sit on foam/hardboard bases.

Like so. I have two of these already completed and I cant decide If I want to add some extra features to these. (rocks, downed plane) or I just want to keep em basic. I could also make these interact with the river in a way similar to a bayou. I still think I may need some extra trees and I think it would be very cool to have a bayan tree modeled like this:

Could work to block line of sight which is nice feature in a jungle.

The final thing I was working on this weekend was the alter of desicration. I kind of wanted it to be a cross between a mayan/ aztec alter and the alter of chaos thing sold by GW.

Still need to glue everything down but its got all the elements. Nice and evil, and a good thing to fight over for good or ill...


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