Apocalypse at Umbral Void: Battle of Blood Mesa (Part 3)

Continued from Part 3

E4 - The Eldar again are up to no good and fire off a blind barrage cutting off LOS from the marine devastators. The last of the straggling ravenwing bikes are destroyed. one Wraithknight jumps into combat with the tactical squad and one of the dark angel captains falls to instant death, as does azreal (though he should have just been down to one wound due to continuing finest hour. yech, gotta remember my rules better).

M4 - The ravenwing rides again! the dark angels use the reinfocement asset to bring back the ravenwing formation, who had been killed to a man! They proceed to outflank and wipe out the Talos pain engine, and a wraithknight. The librarius having done nothing all game finally gets close enough to launch a force vortex on the nearest wave serpent but of course, roll a 1 for damage. Meanwhile Captain ranuk charges in against the wraithknight that is sagaving his marines and slays it! (i think). There is only one Dark angel Captain left and he challenges Dr. Farnsworth to single combat.

E5 - the unexpected arrival of the ravenwing has changed things and the eldar have become desperate. they prepare to launch an orbital strike on the ravenwing but a lone wraithguard in the middle of the pack prevents them from placing the template! So they decide to keep their nukes for another day. At this point the Autarch takes it on himslef to declare a finest hour and attempt to cut down the Deathmarine captain. But after their clash neither is able to bring down the other. Dr Farnsworth is still in combat with the lone dark angels captain, who in so doing is still tying up about 500 points of models.

M5 The marines move but we end it early without playing out the shooting and assault phase, marines are clearly in control of 4 objectives, but the eldar concede and the marines carry the field. Taking their lead into the final break the score comes out as follows.

Final tally 26 - 12. Game was amazing and my opponents were incredible. In the end the marines have more in the tank and more points than the orks and necrons. The marines reclaim Umbral void and clear the xenos from the planet!


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