Terrain update: Building a city in ruins...

For those that follow this space, ive been working on my own home gaming space due to the fact that my old, much beloved gaming club is now pretty far away. So I have now aquired the sector imperialis and there shall be many city battles that take place. Here is the progress so far.

The Fortress monastery - there have been some new developments on this huge  building but it remains unfinished so far. the battlements have been added and the external towers have been built to support the anti-air guns. The orbital laser shall be placed where the vengence batteries currently sit.

 The astropathic relay center - like most of the ruins it needs a few details added and some light sand on the floor level.
Monastery - I tore out the the crater in the rear as it was too large and slightly unplayable. new iteration will be smaller. Not sure what will happen with the PVC piping.

Manufactorum Complex - with the generator cluster on the groundfloor will shall have to see what happens with this building.

Shrine of the the Aquila and administratum building. The aquila needs some sidewalk/ lamppost deatils and perhaps an internal sarcophgus or some other internal features, Garden of Morr style?


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