Comic Batrep: Campaign of Umbral Void: Azreal at the Acheron

Under the shield generator in the Castellum Stronghold, Azreal calls a meeting of the inner circle... 

Azreal and his forces depart on the attack on the etherium mine and are able to sweep the unsuspecting defenders.

In the aftermath Azreal marshalls his defense and prepares for the Necron counterattack...

The orbiting necron craft blast their firestorm at the defenders

As per planet strike rules the infantry rises from the ground deep striking in, while those with the deep strike rule are able to charge the turn they arrive.

The Necrons and mechanicus force the dark angels from their transports. the scarabs attack the bastion destroying it utterly. Azreal destroys the flayers charging the tacticals.

The the dark talon destroys the techthralls while the tacticals take on the cryptec and company.

though this picture shows the missles missing, i think the devs fired on the scarabs wiping them out.

 Tachyon arrow misses.

Myrmidons unleash pain on the devs.

 the weight of attacks kills all the terminators! thats some bad saves... Only Aggripus remains.

 the dark talon fires on the myrmidons.

The librarian uses his nova power, but rolls a strength of 2 damaging no tchthralls...

The storm eagle arrives with its cargo of deathwing knights.

The tech thralls finish off the librarian.

the automata and tech priest arrive but fail their charge...

The night scythe fires on the dark talon.

 ghost ark deep strikes and attempts to disable the the void shield.

 The command barge is destroyed and the overlord looks pissed. the Archmagos and myrmidons continues their slow march across the board.

The myrmidons fire on the dark talon and destory it.

The tech-priest bravely or foolishly accepts azreals challenge, and is swiftly cut down.

Fun game taking place before the new codex dropped, next up the final chapter in the series.


  1. Wow! Really enjoyed the batrep! Any chance to see what the campaign rules are? We're doing one at the moment, and any ideas are surely welcome!

    1. sure man the campaign rules, were kinda complex but I did a packet for them. if you give me your email i can send them to you.

  2. Awesome! Send them here:

  3. Nice batrep, dude. Good to see you're still at it.


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