Comic Batrep - Campaign for Umbral Void: Assault on Phobos Hive

From his citadel high atop the Hive Lord Phobian looked into the strange Elvish eyes of the Psyker across from him. He suppressed a shudder of his wizened body as is body was wracked by a painful surge as the defibrillation implant supported his barely functioning heart.
"Do we have a deal human? Your rule over Umbral in exchange for use of Phobos Hive. We offer your people a shard of hope to be free from this war and your enemies. We can free you from your enslavement to the imperium, and its mindlessness. You will remain in power and we will crush your enemies, if you will grant us the use of Phobos Hive. Craftworld Ji Zhan will only extend this offer once."
The creaking leader could see that this would be his only opportunity, "Very well you have the support of the rulers of Phobos Hive. Eliminate the astartes Force stationed in the southeast and we can give you our full support."
"Very well human. By the end of this planetary rotation you shall have your hive united once more."


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