Apocalypse on Cypra Mundi: Post game thoughts
Note there may be some spoilers in this thread as I am wrapping up the post game and posting thoughts on stuff that we got wrong and Improvements. 1.) Turn times - at the outset we really should have had turn limits, turns 1+2 took a long time. 2.) Rules for scoring on strat objectives. The way we did it that was to have them be the same Points value all game. The rule book suggests multiplying the value by the break number on which they are scored. Eg. an objective is worth 1point on break 1 and 2pts on break 2 and 3 pts on break 3. 3.) We didn't realize that you could spend strat VPs for new asset purchases. These two things are linked, if you wanna be able to buy assets you need to have a greater number of VPs availible hence increasing the points. 4.) We didn't really play pure 7th ed rules. eg. "objective secured" for troops in battle forged armies. We played everything as scoring equally. This was something that would have changed the game alot. 5.) Didn