Campaign update

Here is further work being done on the campaign map. The mountian ranges are light spackle. I wanted to
also make a hive city like the one that exists here.

you can see the map with the details I have so far below. on the right youll notice the hive city unpainted
the narrow squarish objects will be bastions. 

Below is the details of the hive city. You'll notice the laser battery on the hive tile. To make it I chopped up bits of sprue for buttressing the base of the central tower is a chopped up landraider redeemer flamer with toothpicks and some tubing stuck in the top. the laser was made from a landspeeder bead and a space marine bike banner.
the mountains in the forground are spackle.

while not as impressive as the GW one it wasn't too hard to make but it lacks some or the visual buisiness that exists on the GW version. this might be helped by adding more bits but I'm not sure how much time I want to spend on it though.


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