Assault on Adamantine Spaceport, Eldar vs. Deamonkin

Amongst the rainforest conditions in the adamantine coast the Eldar Of Yuula-Lith led their strike team on a secret mission to reclaim the spaceport of that region, and cripple the deamonkin and Duke Mordrax.

The Lists

Cpgn Assests - Psychic Alignment
Farseer shard of anaris, ancient doom ML 3
Farseer, singing spear ML3
Wraithblades x10

Spiritseer ML2
wraithguard x5 with waveserpent

Warlock conclave (2 warlocks)
Guardians x10 with Waveserpent

Wraithlord with Starcannon x2
Vaul's Wrath batteryx3

Cpgn Assets - wave assault, strike from the skies
Chaos lord, axe of khorne on juggernaught with sigil of corruption
bloodletters x2

Gore pack  (did this part wrong)
 5 khorne dogs x2
bikers with melta x2

Nurgle deamon prince, wings
Plague drones
Skullcannon x2

Deployment after scout move

Skull cannons on the skyshield, 
Deamonkin forces left to right, cultists, Possesed, plague drones, demon prince, flesh hounds, flesh hounds with Duke Mordrax
Eldar forces left to right  waveserpent with guardians, waveserpent with wraithguard, wraithblades, wrath batteries in ruin, wraithlord

Mordrax stares down the wraitholrd waiting to ambush him in the jungle.

The flesh hounds lie in wait
cultists and Proxied possessed

Full deployment

T1 Eldar shooting wipes out the cultists the wraithblades and their psyker escort advance.

The waveserpents advance to flank the skyshield, and prepare to unload their cargo.

Duke Mordrax and his hounds prepare to charge the wraithlord. The skull cannons fire on the wave serpents but fail to glance.

Duke mordrax with his furious charge, gets a single wound through and with a decapitating strike incapacitates the wraith construct.

The flying nurgle demon prince Gorvinctus charges the wave serpent, but can only chip off two hull points

The Possessed tear into the hull of the second waveserpent, causing the guardians to make an emergency exit.

End of T1 - skull cannons still hold the skyshield.

The hounds move to hold the objective.

T2 - The wraithblades close in on Duke Mordrax while the Vaul artillery pounds away at the flesh hound escorts.

Disembarking from the wave serpent, the wraithguard blasts away at the Nurgle princeling, but hit only air, but not before performing a mind war, bringing the Prince to WS 1 BS 1.

The guardians fire on the possessed, their power armor holds.

The waveserpent fires its shield to take away the cover of the nurgle flies, but does only minimal damage.

End of E2

Deamonkin 2

K2 - Duke Mordrax and his Flesh hounds go for glory and charge the wraithconstructs, For the honor of Khorne Mordrax bellows a challenge, but it goes unanswered.

Meanwhile the reserves of the deamonkin despite rerolls fail to arrive. The plaguebearers arrive near the eldar artillery. The skull cannons fail to glance the remaining waveserpent.

In battle with the wraithguard, Gorvinctus is locked in battle attempting to match the strength of Spirtseer Utorid, barely surviving the power of his witchblade.

Eldar 3

E3 - Freed from their battle with the Villianous Demon Prince the wraithguard the consildate to the roof of the skyshield.

E3 - Still locked in combat the Duke Mordrax again bellows,"Farseer! Do you dare to challenge the might of my master? I shall take your skull in the name of Khorne!" In a gambit to stop the Chaos Lord, a whisper emerges, "Auth Rauca, farseer of the Yuula-Lith, does not bow to the whims of darkness." Drawing his blade, The Shard of Anaris, he strikes, but with equal speed the Chaos lord finds his mark, both blades meet and the force of their blows brings a blast that echoes across the Adamantium Coast. The flash knocks both the foes unconcious, taking no further part in the battle.

E3 - after dispatching the last of the flesh hounds the eldar the wraithblades take up a defensive formation. Meanwhile the batteries of vaul pound away at the demon kin.

End of E3 - With both warlords out of the battle, the wraithblades consolidate led by their farseer Eria Vasar. Meanwhile the batteries of Vaul pummel the plaguebearers, while the guardians fire on the possessed and retreat under the skyshield. Meanwhile the guardians locked in combat with the possesed and plague drones, fall to the deamon onslaught.

Deamonkin 3
D3 atide of deamons is summoned including bloodpoints ushering in the blood crushers who look
greedily on the artillery.
D3 The skull cannons again fires on the waveserpent and again fails to pen.

D3 The possessed charge the wraithguard.

E4 The wraith blades kill the closer of the bands of orks, while the Vauls batteries and the wave serpent target the bloodcrushers and the other blood letters.

E4 The possessed and the wraith guard continue to be locked in combat.

D4 new flesh hounds are summoned by the grace of Khorne

D4 The bloodcrusher makes it into contact with the Wrath batteries

D4 After failing to glance 6 times in a row the skull cannon finally glances the last wave serpent.

D4 The artillery crew cant fend off the lone bloodcrusher.

E5 unable to save their kin the wraithblades take vengeance on the flesh hounds.

E5 The eldar are still locked in combat with the possesed champion and  find a themselves charged by the chaos biker.

The bloodcrusher seeks the glory of an eldar head for Khorne.

The skull cannons in a final gambit to destroy the eldar, charge.

Victory to the Yuula-Lith 15-13

Final Analysis - My list. Made some mistakes with the list, which is a shame. Should have had 2 squads of bikes and 1 squad of dogs. I haven't played with demonkin that much but I felt I did OK. The possessed really made their points back in a big way as I think my opponent underestimated them a bit. I really hate that skull cannons can't be taken as part of the slaughtercult or their own formation. I am also unsure about using the nurgle deamon elements of the list as they don't generate blood tithe. I just feel they are more survivable and can take a hit. I like the flexibility of the skull cannons and will try to field them in a different way.

My tactics - Not sure I made the right decision to charge the wraithblades as they are always a huge and deadly tarpit. I certainly forgot to utilize the preffered enemy psykers the first time I Charged which would have made quite a difference. I certainly always want to be charging not being charged by them. The wraithblades had been psychically improved to strength 8 which bypassed my FNP for the dogs. I also needed to claim the nearby objective so couldn't commit all my forces to that purpose. I might have broken off the lord to charge the artillery which would have improved his efficiency. Not sure how many attacks the skull cannon gets on the charge only two or three? I also could have used the plague drones more effectively to try and tie up the artillery.

My opponent - outstanding play by my opponent, he might have just tried to stand off and just fire with the wave serpent. I think his only tactical error was allowing me to get close.


  1. I'd try to go all Khorne if you can. I feel like putting more fast units is the way to go. I've found the skull cannon to be great on paper but lukewarm on the field. On the other hand, maulerfiends are absolutely deadly to tanks. Ever used those? The possessed are surprisingly good in combat but slow. More like midfield surprise attack dudes. One problem I have with Daemonkin is remembering all the damn special rules. Did you remember all of yours with the Gorepack formation?

  2. not at first I forgot the PE: psykers, but if My jugg lord doesn't have it and Im in a challenge do I still benefit?
    My eldar opponent often uses the conclave of psychic friends, so I thought about including Karnak from the demon book but I don't know if he join units of without Demonic instability. I figure it may be good to put him with the jugger lord and some dogs. Don't have any maulerfiends sadly, may get two eventually, but will need to space out the purchases.

  3. Shit, yeah, PE psykers...Forgot all about that one...I think you still benefit even without the challenge. Remember too that the hounds come with the collar of Khorne, which grants a +2 Deny the Witch and you can dole out some Adamantium Will as well.

    I think Karanak can join but he just won't gain any of the Daemonkin special rules.

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