
Showing posts from February, 2015

Comic: Campaign for Umbral Void The Siege on Canis Gap

We join our hero's on Umbral Void, were Belial and Capt. Ranuk are deep in conversation on their strategy regarding the war effort... Having concluded his buisness with the Captain of the Deathmarines, Belial invites his strike team to the ready room and briefs his sergents and their teams on the mission...

Where have I been?

Hey folks for anyone who reads this blog there has been a pretty long radio silence. I am here to break that silence. I have been starting a new job and moving to a new area and it has taken me some time to get to grips with all the changes, Including finding a new 40k group. There appear to be some folks here in town that play and last night I just played a 6000 point game to try out against the new necron codex. Wow it was a doozy. Hoping to get some pics up of what happened. I've got a laundry list of items that i have been working to get finished.