Update: Terrain and Host of the Ninth Gate

Been working on the terrain for the home table and made some progress on the aquision of a KDK army.

The cohort of the ninth gate. Its gonna take a while to work through this. terminators, 20 cultists, chosen (counts as possessed, still thinking about some conversions) and 8 bloodletters.

Was thinking of making this building a chapel. or impressive imperial admin building. i tried putting a little battlement on the outer roof but it needs more pizzaz. i did carve the imperial eagle head that is kind of acting as a gargoyle.

This building i was thinking at fist could be a Inquisitorial beastiary, but might be more interesting as an astropathic psychic relay. The idea is that you could put painted models inside the cylinders and see through them. meaning they act as a LOS blocker and a cool terrain feature.

The beastiary/psyker hub up close. still needs more details.

Finally the Tower. interstingly this could also act as a landing pad. I will have to make it adaptable.


  1. Nice utilization of the empty Tidy Cat bucket.

  2. tidy cat container, the final frontier...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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