Dark Angel Codex release: part 1

Codex: Dark Angels

As the special rules for the Dark Angels have been leaked at this point we still don't know for sure what rules are linked with what models and we don't know point costs. There is alot that we can infer safely at this point however. There are alot of rules in the the book and i wont go through all of them but will go through some stuff that has caught my eye.

grim resolve

lions blade formation
supreme fire support - formation compliant units overwatch at full BS
vehicle squadrons  - tanks taken in groups of 3 gain special rules

1 Deathwing special rules - hatred ChSM
Deathwing assault may come in on T2-4
Smite now counts as a smash attack Sx2 AP 1 only 1 attack at initiative.

1 Ravenwing special rule - reroll cover saves
attack squad - landspeeder hitting boosts +1BS of other models in formation
Ravenshield - charged ravenwing units may draw supporting fire from ravenwing units up to 24"

antigrav upwash - if three speeders in formation may move +6" when turbo boost
icon of old caliban- if unit starts w/i 6" of darkshroud it prevents charging models from getting overwatched plus grants shrouded.

Dark talon - rift cannon is S:10 AP 2 small blast and if it rolls double to scatter it becomes a vortex. it carries a stasis bomb S:4 Ap5 lg blast. On the hit cause -3WS and -3I. Any unsaved wounds trigger an initiative test that if failed cause you to be removed from play. If you suffer wounds it may be that the second part of this clause subverts FNP and reanimation protocols.

Interromancy plus the librarius conclave is very potent and will free up Zeke from having to take mind worm all the time if you don't want it, while the DA librarius conclave doubles the range of mind worm and grants WC harnessin on a 3+ if within 12" of another member from the formation.

So it would aapear that the brain trust at GW sees the greenwing as the anvil, the ravenwing as the hammer and the deathwing as the speartip. There are some other questions of course like:
why is the interceptor rule in the book?
who can take relic blades
who gets hellfire rounds
whats the price of terminators?


  1. I'm liking how this is coming together so far though. I've noticed I'm going to have to actually put together and take out of storage my land speeders and DA flyers. So I'm pretty excited for that lol.

  2. From the looks of things the DA are back in a big way. Ravenwing is where it should be...Very scary.

  3. elphilo thanks for stopping by. Its like our experiments trying to make the flyers better have finally founds the rules to make it workable. although their price looks unchanged.

    Justin i agree raven wing is buffed to the extreme, time will tell if the rest of the codex is as good.

    1. Yeah I'm not convinced the minor tweaks it got will save it. but we'll see!

    2. So did a test game with the leaked stuff and used the Ravenwing Silence Squadron. Just as disappointing as ever with them lol!

    3. Chaos with a few maulerfiends, other than that not much. I wrecked the maulerfiends, but I had 500 points in that formation that couldn't really do much.

      It looks really good on paper, but then when you realize the bomb is S4 AP5, the stuff you want to use it on isn't going to be failing any saves. ESPECIALLY on a one use only thing. Rift cannon might be worth it though, I only got to fire it once or twice before we just called it :/

      The Nephilims are okay with the S7 missiles, but I'm still not sold on their price point. They put out a lot of shots with the Mega Bolter and Heavy Bolter, but I don't think its enough. It needs to be closer to 140 IMO. Especially when you compare it to the Storm Talon that just got a price reduction on its Sky Hammer Missiles at 115 points lol.

      Its getting better though! Perhaps next codex I might actually get them painted ;) Though I do need to test the dark talon again.

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