The Gordium Campaign: Hamerfall on Ix

In orbit around the planet Ix we rejoin our hero's fresh off their victory at Orlansk, where they were able to capture the site, but the Sorceror Ekynius vanished while plaguemarine Captain Bolivox, has been tracked by the Ravenwing, and was last seen heading for the mountains... 

Mission type was emperor's will.

Deployment set up was hammer and anvil.

I deployed in such a way so that I could utilize the Belial's teleport homer in order to serve as a linchpin for bringing down the deathwing on one flank which would give me a chance to overrun one flank, and go straight for his objective, while gaining protection from the line of sight blocking cathedral. The land raider opposite had no termies inside and was more of a decoy to guard my home objective.


DA1 - shots are fired, no damage. The Crusader moves 12".

IW1 - The vindicator can't get through the shield, while the predator shakes the dread naught.

DA2 - All deathwing squads drop in using the Belial's homer. Upon arrival two combined squads wreck the nearest rhino. Meanwhile the godhammer LR destroys the cannon on the vindi. Sadly in all the excitement i forgot to disembark the DWK.

IW2 - As stated in the images above.

DA3 - both dreads are destroyed and one marine squad is routed.

IW3 - Predator and vindicator are having a bad day, luckily the marines, take matters into their own hands and destroy the termies on the objective.

DA4 - the remaining group of terminators hops back in the crusader, which then goes on to blow up the pesky vindicator. Belial and his entourage, trudge through busted up hellbrute parts.

IW4 - still can't penetrate the land raider's hull the troops try to push for the objectives.

DA5- the termies prepare to try and hold off the chaos marines at the objectives.


IW 5

DA6 - A single deathwing knight is killed in overwatch, but they make their charge and... fail all their attacks! The marine sargent then slays the knight master, and the squad kills his companion. Mean while the other sargent does two wounds to belial, before dying.

Gotta love contemptor invul saves.

IW6 - Belial routs the marines, while koros can't blast the termies off the objective.

Game ends
Termies claim the western objective.

Belial denies the marines trying to score the eastern objective.
Summary - Things kinda went my way that game. Unlucky for my opponent. Great guy, great army. Had I brought the ravenwing or marines this would have been very different.

Epilouge - 

"Well Belial it looks like that new scar is healing nicely. Now what of the battle for Atlas Pass?"

"Azreal, how nice that could join us. In by holovid I have to say those curtains look hideous. ....Ah, I'll take your raised eyebrow to mean you agree. The pass is ours and the 4th Company is moving quickly towards the Tunguska glacier. Unfortunately we could not capture the Warsmith who was collected in the talons of one of the helldrakes and escaped. Bolivox appears to have continued his flight south and it is believed he is attempting to rendevous with his allies at the Polar fortress Gastongen . Hephestion who was also at the battle, would also like to report."

"Very well then go ahead Hephestion, the matters of the warp, are important indeed." 

"Grandmaster Azreal, the portents of the immaterium suggest that there is an omnious battle looming, I am unsure of when but I sense the power of demons in this offing. I wish I had better news but the fallen that we seek, Brother Mendicant, has not been visible to me through my visions in the warp. It is possible that powerful psykers shield him from me. This may mean the work of Enkynius or other more powerful beings..."

"Omnious indeed. Very well come what may. Sammael we shall need you to scout ahead to the Tunguska. Should you encounter any resistence,  get what intelligence you can then report back to the 4th company Camp. Our quarry is yet before us gentleman, he is on the run and we shall have him. For the Lion."

Follow the story in Part 6...


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