Relic Game 3 vs Iron Warriors

Game 3

After tough matchups versus too opponents that were able to out manuver me in objective games, it was time to purge some tratiors. The legion of the Iron Warriors stood before me and it was time to really bring the heat. This game was kill points and I have been succesful against this army in the past, only time would tell if that trend would hold.

Deployment - I castled up the deathwing as usual and my opponent planted his troops on a hill with a great LOS to all over the board. His entire deployment was castled and behind an aegis, which to mean screams out come get me... if you can. For this game i decided to say screw it to my typical divination roll and instead I rolled on telepathy and took psychic screech. I also decided that given his extremely defensive set up I needed to pry him out of his rusted chaos rabbit hole. To accomplish this Belial would again be droping with a squad and trying to prise open some of that armor. Chaos took the first turn.

A blast from the tri-las predator and my LR is immobilized!

C1 - WTF! I don't even get to move the LR and its stuck in place, (I guess brother librarian Haephestion forgot to turn on his shield gen.) The rhinos in his back filed move and pops smoke awaiting the Deathwing reprisal...

D1 - Belial drops on the back table edge, the assault cannon from his squad tearing open the vindicator on the left. A second squad drops and adds it fire power to ensure the vindi dies. Meanwhile the LRC wastes no time rushing forward 12 inches and firing its melta on the vidicator, but it is outside melta range.

C2 - both hell drakes fail to come on, the vindicator and predator try to destroy the LRC but this time Haephestion's shield gen comes through and the shots are absorbed. the rhinos scurry forward and those that handn't already popped smoke do so now.

The libby unleashes a psychic blast on the triators then, Deathwing knights bring the pain, and leap upon the cultists.

Attached to the chaos lord manning the lascannon the cultists are fearless but how long can they hold out?

Its the begining of the end for these cultists!

D2- Belial and the deathwing charge the chaos rhino to slingshot into enemy territory but cant reach it. The other deep striking squad fires on the advancing rhino. Leading the Knights across the field the Haephestion jumps the aegis and starts carving through cultisits. LRC tries to multimelta the chaos armor but has no success.

Death breathes a baleflamer... the drakes arrive.

C3 - both drakes arrive and vector strike through belial's squad but can't cause any wounds. Knowing that he must take the offensive, the rhino to the left delivers its payload of traitors and they let fly with all weapons, combining with the drakes to leave only the sergent DWT remaining. meanwhile the vindicator continues to pound the LRC, while the predator directs its fire on Belial's squad.

The rear guard emerge from their broken ride...

Belial, Haephestion, and the Knights finishing off some chaos opposition.

The lone DWT survives a hail of overwatch (including shrugging off a meltagun shot!)and makes his charge and challenges the champion, but the champion wounds him and he fails his save. Chaos wins this round!

D3 - Belial and his unit assault the static defens of the lascannon, while the combat with Iron Warlord is concluded by Haephestion's force sword cleaving through power armor.

C4 - Persistence by the vindicator pays off with the a shot that blows the LRC sky high. Meanwhile the drakes manuver to block the retreating squad from hopping in the immobilized land raider, then flame the squad down to two survivors. The chaos marines attempt to rapid fire at the exposed terminators to whittle them down but belial stands tall and no members of the squad fall. The predator attempts to fire on the squad of termies but the shield gen holds.

Ignore the turn indicator and note the absence of chaos bodies.
That predator needed to die. Rack up another kill point.
D4 - In reply to the vindicator the Land Raider las-cannon finds its mark and immobilizes the vindicator. Haephestion leads the charge over the wreckage of the dead vindicator, with belial in tow charges the Iron Warriors and cuts them down as they run. Meanwhile the DWK attack and finish off the chaos Predator. the rearguard DWTs hide out of line of sight of the drakes.

The drakes hover to stay on the board and try to flame the reamining Terminators but their armor holds.

C5 - Their rage boiling at the decimation of their warhost the chaos marines emgere from the rhinos and lay waste to the Deathwing Knights. Meanwhile the drakes drop into hover mode to try to flame the terminators hiding. The vindicator advances and claims a second mighty scalp... another Landraider!

Suffer the wrath of Perturabo! From Iron cometh strength...

"Your judgement shall be swift! The Dark Angels do not suffer the heretic!"

D5 - While belial and his unit chase down and destroy the rhino attempting to flee, the terminators who had hid from the Helldrakes emerge, charge their powerfists, and punch one out of the sky! Meanwhile Hephestion dashes back across the field to confront the last resistence of the Iron Warriors.

Game Ends

Analysis -
Well despite an early setback I gambled with the opening play and it payed off by exploding the vindicator. Had I not wrecked that vindicator the results would have been bad. Most of the rest of the game went my way as well with alot of saves with the powerfield gen. although i forgot to mention its effects on the enemy models too, until the very end. Sorry man! Either way awesome game, the sequence that led to the challenge between the DWT sergent and the Chaos sergent was epic!


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